Friday, November 11, 2011

Off The Grid

I have been MIA in the blog world for quite a while. My time the past couple months has been consumed with planning, stressing, and praying about a fundraiser that I have been working on. Now that it is over, I almost don’t know what to do with myself. I am reeling from the business, not believing that everything worked out- that the #fashionshowfundraiser was a success, and that I didn’t die, pass out, or fail. God worked everything out.

Part of me still thinks that I was crazy for taking on such a feat- planning and executing a fundraiser with something that I don’t have any experience in: Fashion. My idea of fashion is trying to wear the most flattering clothing while still maintaining comfort. This may or may not include multiple layers of clothing of various colors in the fall to stay warm, or wearing a sundress over jeans in the summer. Forget what’s in style- go for the clearance rack at Target or Walmart!

Somehow, I was able to convince designers and vendors that they should be part of this event. I think one of the amazing things about planning events like this, where I am clearly in over my head, is that it was never about my experience in fashion, or how cool I was, or how “together” I seemed to have everything. These people had a strong desire to be a part of something good; something that helps people. They wanted to feel like their life had more significance than just trying to be successful in their business.

It was so incredible to see everyone working together from all walks of life: professional hair and make-up artists, local musicians, food vendors, and my beautiful friends who were able to play dress-up for a night. They all set their own evenings and selves aside to be part of an event that would benefit other people.

It was such a cool picture of how the body of Christ should work: different people with different gifts, all working on different aspects for the same goal. The evening only confirmed that this is what I need to be doing with my life, that I am making the right decision in moving back to Virginia to get my MA and move forward with my life.

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