Friday, December 9, 2011

Lunch Date + New Shoes + A Walk In The Park

Today was a fun one :)

Started off with having lunch with my wonderful friend, Karen, whom I was close with when I lived here a while back. Love, love, love that woman!

Next, I was on a mission! I climbed up a mountain Wednesday while wearing my Chucks.

Not comfortable for a 1.5 hour hike!!

So, anyways... I went to Super Shoes to peruse their stock. With an amount of difficulty, I was able to find shoes that I liked in my size :) Here's a peek:

I like them! And they came in a wider width, so they are comfy on my boxy feet :)

The walk was great! I think I did about 2 miles, and saw some cute little puppies :) I did see something mildly alarming: a man running out of the woods passed me with a leash in his hands and no doggie :( I said a quick prayer for him- and hope everything is okay with he and his animal friend.

I did come across something I was not happy with: Dog Poop. I had a dog. I scooped/scraped/cleaned his poop when I took him out in public.

I did this so that people wouldn't have this happen:

Um, YUCK! I was NOT happy. I guess my shoes are broken-in now.

Here are a few highlights from the trip (made possible by Picasa 3):

***If you would like to learn how to put a Picasa slideshow on your blog, this is a great tutorial***

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